Thursday, March 12, 2020

WHL Season Paused

Toronto, Ont. – The Canadian Hockey League and its three regional leagues the Ontario Hockey League, Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, and Western Hockey League, take the health and safety of our players, fans, volunteers, staff, and general public very seriously. CHL President Dan MacKenzie with Commissioners David Branch, Gilles Courteau, and Ron Robison have been monitoring the situation in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) including what local, provincial, and federal health agencies have recommended. Following consultation with medical professionals and meetings today among the CHL Executive Council, and regional league Board of Governors, the CHL announces that the balance of the 2019-20 season and all hockey activity shall be paused immediately until further notice.


TigerTurf said...

Looks like the majority if not all teams have sent their players home. The good thing is that these athletes all have strong cardiovascular systems and the risk to them is substantially small although they may still be able to carry the virus.

Fingers crossed that 2 months down the road the whl can somehow salvage a short playoff with best of 3's or something.

Stay healthy Everyone! If their was ever a time to quit smoking now would be the time.

TigerTurf said...

Calgary Just declared a State of Emergency

I think this is a good call to help prevent the spread.

longtimefan said...

Can’t see this season having a finish. The logistics of getting teams from four provinces and two American states playing will be next to impossible given the different factors involved. It sucks for all teams but especially for the smaller market teams who rely on those playoff dates to help the bottom line. Sad for the overage players and 19 year olds who don’t get to finish their junior careers on their terms. Also tough on teams who made moves (like the Tigers) to try to make a run this year and will never know what the outcome might have been.

My guess would be that the league has a drop dead date, probably mid April, to have some sort of a modified playoff format before scrapping the season, but with this virus seemingly not slowing down yet I think it’s going to be next to impossible to start back up. Hope I’m wrong.

TigerTurf said...

Seems like right after you post a news release comes out. WHL officially cancelled the rest of the season. Putting up a new post shortly